Very grateful to have got my wish to tattoo a Regent Honeyeater. Thankyou Roxy! I am very keen to tattoo more of these beautiful birds. The regent honeyeater (Anthochaera phrygia) is a critically endangered bird endemic to southeastern Australia. Less tha
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Waratah to crown this leg sleeve in progress, with cootamundra wattle. @withlovetattoo #tattoos #ink #tattoo #waratah #waratahflower #waratahtattoo #australiantattoos #australiannatives #australiantattoo #botanicaltattoos #botanicaltattoo #neotrad #neotra
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The beautiful marsupial wolf aka the thylacine with burdekin plum for Ryan. Swipe to see the video as it's a bit wrappy. I drew the stripes joined together to match the description Ryan gave me of the North QLD thylacine, knowledge from aboriginal elders
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Leadbeater's possum and swamp gum for Sally! My favourite thing about leadbeaters is their adorable nubby fingers and toes that look like they are wearing gloves I need to get better posting on here. It is hard to get back from that demoralising nature o
via Instagram instagr.am/p/CZDRbz3viCd/

Greater Bilby with flowering kangaroo paw, on the back of the leg for Laura! She is so super tough! That is the knee ditch under the foot there. Greater bilbies are commonly known as bilbies due to the lesser bilby now being extinct. They are marsupials f
via Instagram instagr.am/p/CXej1UwB2Yd/

Just a quokka with her good bag. 🍷 I can't believe I haven't tattooed a quokka until now! @withlovetattoo #tattoos #ink #tattoo #quokka #quokkatattoo #goon #goonbag #goonsack #goontattoo #justaustralianthings #australiantattoos #australiantatto
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Black-striped wallaby with brigalow wattle. The black-striped wallaby (Notamacropus dorsalis), also known as the scrub wallaby or eastern brush wallaby, is a medium-sized wallaby found in Australia, from Townsville in Queensland to Narrabri in New South W
via Instagram instagr.am/p/CWCXvVUPOd2/

Grey Butcherbird & flowering Macadamia. Amazing sit for a first tattoo! Macadamia is a genus of four species of trees indigenous to Australia, and constituting part of the plant family Proteaceae. They are native to northeastern New South Wales and centra
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A baby emu with fringed lily flowers for Angelika. Right next to some beautiful @jesseraytattoo work. Emu parenting is entirely done by the male. This begins with incubating the eggs for two months, never leaving, not even to eat or drink. Once the baby e
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Some Silver Princess Eucalyptus in blossom for Jocie on the inner arm. Silver princess eucalyptus trees (Eucalyptus caesia) are native to Western Australia, where they are also known as Gungurru. It is described as a "graceful weeping tree" that has an ir
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Super fun lemons & bee for Jill. 🍋🐝 The origin of the lemon is unknown, though lemons are thought to have first grown in Assam (a region in northeast India), northern Burma or China. "True" lemons derive from one common hybrid ancestor, hav
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Queensland day moth for Patrick in the arm ditch. I'll have to post the healed one soon cause it healed so perfect 😍 The queensland day moth aka zodiac moth fly by day, and feed on the nectar of various flowers. They rest with their wings open
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Super fun Nautilus for Teresa! The chambered nautilus (Nautilus pompilius) is a large, mobile cephalopod which is called a "living fossil" having been around for about 500 million years—even before the dinosaurs. Of all the cephalopods (ie octopus, cuttle
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Blue-Spike Milkwort for Sarah's first tattoo. Comesperma calymega, commonly known as blue-spike milkwort, is a slender herb in the family Polygalacea. This species occurs in the states of South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, and Western Australia. @withlo
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Luna Moth for Julia. I adore wrappy tattoos but boy are they impossible to photograph. Swipe to see the video for all angles. The Indian moon moths (aka Indian Luna Moth) are nocturnal or crepuscular – i.e. they favor night or dim/twilight conditions. The
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Swoopy boi wearing a beanie on the hand for Justin. Even death from above has to keep his lil noggin warm. We had a pre existing little red scab in there, I feel like I need to point out that was NOT caused by me. I'm not that that brutal I promise @with
via Instagram instagr.am/p/CTx5Ca2B2WE/

English Primrose 💐 The english primrose is named from 'Prima rosa', Latin for ‘first rose’ as it is usually one of the first flowers of spring. @withlovetattoo #tattoo #ink #tattoos #primrose #englishprimrose #primrosetattoo #floraltattoo #botanic
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Golden wattle for Jade. Acacia pycnantha, most commonly known as the golden wattle, is a tree of the family Fabaceae native to southeastern Australia. It grows to a height of 8 m and has Sickle-shaped phyllodes instead of true leaves. A phyllode is modifi
via Instagram instagr.am/p/CS8DdlRhPBM/

Pupper portrait for my ol work pal Andrew of his gorgeous Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. So much character in this lil face ❤ @withlovetattoo #tattoos #ink #tattoo #dogportrait #dogtattoo #cavaliertattoo #cavalierkingcharlesspaniel #petportrait #neo
via Instagram instagr.am/p/CSS4TUXhGJh/

While it's lockdown I can catch up posting some tattoos! Here's some yellow roses, lavender and the little native morning irises for Ashlee. @withlovetattoo #tattoo #ink #rosetattoo #lavendertattoo #morningiris #brisbanetattoo #brisbanetattooartist #brisb
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Loggerhead turtle for Lisa. The loggerhead turtle has a worldwide distribution in coastal tropical and subtropical waters. In Australia, loggerheads occur in coral reefs, bays and estuaries in tropical and warm temperate waters off the coast of Queensland
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Leadbeater's possum with gerberas. Leadbeater’s Possum is an arboreal (tree-residing) marsupial that resides primarily in the wet eucalypt forests of the Victorian Central Highlands, nesting in the hollows of old growth mountain ash trees. The possum weig
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Super fun waratah and pink bottlebrush tattoo for Maggie. Gosh I love this colour combination 😍 @withlovetattoo #tattoos #ink #tattoo #waratah #warahtahtattoo #bottlebrush #bottlebrushtattoo #callistemontattoo #callistemon #australiannativetatt
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Rainbow Lorikeet in flight for Natalie. Rainbow Lorikeets are 'communal roosters'. This means that on dusk, huge numbers of them congregate together in a few trees. This can be extremely noisy! Research has shown that they are more likely to roost in tree
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Eucalyptus, billy buttons & blue banded bees! Billy Buttons (Craspedia) are attractive Australian native plants that are grow in a variety of habitats from sea level to the Alps. The genus is found in every state of Australia except the Northern Territory
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Magpie with benjamina fig. Ficus benjamina, commonly known as weeping fig, benjamin fig or ficus tree, and often sold in stores as just ficus, is a species of flowering plant in the family Moraceae, native to Asia and Australia (Northern Qld and NT, but p
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Here is the male red tailed black cockatoo to match the female a did a couple months back. I can't wait to get a photo of them both together! @withlovetattoo #tattoos #ink #tattoo #redtailedblackcockatoo #blackcockatoo #blackcockatootattoo #cockatootattoo
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Female King parrot with Scarlet Blaze, a Cinnamon Wattle on the ribs for Brighid. Acacia 'Scarlet Blaze' is a cultivar of Acacia leprosa (Cinnamon Wattle) originating from Victoria in Australia. It is noted for its unusual red flowers. The Cinnamon Wattle
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Snake and wild roses for Katie. Wild roses are naturally growing shrubs that occur in nature with no help at all from man. In fact, wild roses are the roses from which all others we have today were bred. Wild species roses are single bloomers with five pe
via Instagram instagr.am/p/CO1PH3-tusW/

Female Red Tailed Black Cockatoo for Morgan, the stillest client that has ever sat for me! I got this one finished in record time as a result. The red-tailed black cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus banksii) also known as Banksian- or Banks' black cockatoo, is oft
via Instagram instagr.am/p/COj6WuttrrX/

I have a few tattoos to catch up on so let's start with this adorable little baby bush turkey with native bluebells! The Australian Brush Turkey (aka scrub turkey or bush turkey) is found along the entirety of the coast of eastern Australia. Their nestin
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Green thighed frog and dianella flowers for Laura. The green-thighed frog is native to the east coast of Australia and inhabits areas of rainforest, wet sclerophyll, and open forests. @withlovetattoo #tattoos #ink #tattoo #greenthighedfrog #dianella #bri
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Wattle around the knee for Rachel. You can see the video for this one in my previous post two days ago. Such a touch lady she sat for so long! @withlovetattoo #tattoos #ink #tattoo #wattletattoo #acaciatattoo #botanicaltattoo #australiantattoos #australia
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Grey butcher bird with honeygem grevilleas I did a while back. I am so behind on posting tattoos so now brisbane is in lockdown I have some time to catch up. This one obviously wraps a bit, I will post the video to show all the angles. Tattoos that wrap a
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Pale-headed Rosella with tea tree flowers for Catherine. It's the biggest rosella I've had the honour of tattooing yet, hanks to the prime positioning on the upper arm. ❤ The Pale-headed Rosella (Platycercus adscitus) is a medium-sized parrot, found
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Blue tiger butterfly for Jennii. Blue Tiger Butterflies are a milkweed butterfly, their larval food plant being the Secamone elliptica, commonly known as the corky milk vine that is found in monsoon forest and littoral rainforest. Blue tigers can sometime
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Pale-yellow Robin and some blue quandong berries for Laura. Pale-yellow Robins (Tregellasia capito) live entirely in the rainforest in coastal eastern Australia. Pale-yellow Robins have brief, rather soft songs and other buzzing notes that are easily over
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Marley the good boy, with a bit of beach background. @withlovetattoo #tattoos #ink #tattoo #dogtattoo #petportrait #doggosofinstagram #goodboy #brisbanetattoo #ladytattooer #solidink #blackclaw #pettattoo #brindle
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I finally got to tattoo my first spotted pardalote thanks to Rose ❤ Perched on some hovea. The spotted pardalote is one of the smallest of all Australian birds at 8 to 10 centimetres in length, and one of the most colourful; it is sometimes known as
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Resting Monarch butterfly for Jennii How did such a butterfly get to Australia all the way from North America? Monarch Butterflies migrate impressively long distances, up to 4000 kilometres each year between cold and warm habitats. Storms and cyclones ma
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Pink blossimg gum, aka Corymbia Ficifolia. @withlovetattoo #tattoos #ink #tattoo #blossominggum #eucalyptustattoo #australiantattoos #botanicaltattoo #australiantattoo #brisbanetattoo #solidink #blackclaw #neotraditionaltattoo
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Lil good boi, Samwise the beagle with some Eucalyptus tattooed for Natasha. Nestled amongst some fum Mimsy @staycuteordie tattoos. @withlovetattoo #tattoos#ink #tattoo #beagle #beagletattoo #eucalyptus #eucalyptustattoo #brisbanetattoo #dogtattoo #beagles
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Closer look at this sulfur crested cockatoo tattoo. @withlovetattoo #tattoo #ink #tattoos #cockatootattoo #australiantattoo #eucalyptustattoo #botanicaltattoo #parrottattoo #brisbanetattoo #neotraditionaltattoo #neotradsub #blackclaw #solidink
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Little fairy wren for Catherine, still a little bleedy. @withlovetattoo #tattoos #ink #tattoo #fairywren #superbfairywren #wrentattoo #fairywrentattoo #wattletattoo #australiantattoos #botanicaltattoo #australiantattoo #birdtattoo #brisbanetattoo
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Banksia seed, eucalyptus and morning iris for neroli.Plus a sneaky christmas beetle. @withlovetattoo #tattoos #ink #tattoo #australiantattoos #banksiatattoo #botanicaltattoo
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Ulysses butterflies with little evodia flowers for Donna. Such a beautiful butterfly that they have their own emoji! Evodia is one of only two plant species that Ulysses butterflies lay their eggs on for their young caterpillars to eat upon hatching. @wi
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Wanted to show you all the completed yellow tailed black cockatoo tattoo even though I had to edit the high hell out of this photo. Only the greens are fresh and the blacks were in the 2 week just healed super shiny stage and was reflecting a lot of light
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Got to tattoo my feathertail glider eating tiger moth design on Rose the other day. We're going to add some foliage to this one in a couple of weeks so stay tuned! The feathertail glider isthe smallest gliding possum and named for their remarkable tail wh
via Instagram instagr.am/p/CLVbRdDAJFe/

Laughing Kookaburra on a birdsnest banksia (banksia baxteri) Bird's nest banksia (banksia baxteri) also known as Baxter's Banksia grows naturally in the nutrient-poor, sandy dunes of the southern coast of Western Australia. The lemon yellow flower is name
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Nanday Conure with casuarina for Shelley. In memory of her pet with his favourite treat ❤ Shelley also gifted me a beautiful collection of feathers after she learned I collect them. I'll post them up on my story. Thankyou again Shelley! The nanday p
via Instagram instagr.am/p/CLFlaoqAQn9/

*Extra cute wombat emerges from the kangaroo paw & wattle* I dubbed this one 'floofy nugget'. @withlovetattoo #tattoos #ink #tattoo #wombat #wombattattoo #wombats #brisbanetattoo #brisbanetattooartist #brisbanetattooist #neotraditional #australiantattoo #
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Cockatoo and Galah matching tattoos for Marco. Smashed out both in one sitting for his first tattoo. Solid effort! 👍 @withlovetattoo #galahtattoo #cockatootattoo #ink #brisbanetattoo #brisbanetattooartist #brisbanetattooist #neotraditional #austr
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You're the bees knees baby! 🐝 Wattle & blue banded bees. @withlovetattoo #tattoo #ink #tattoo #wattletattoo #bluebandedbee #botanicaltattoo #beesknees #cutetattoo #brisbane #brisbanetattooist #brisbanetattoo #australiantattoos #ladytattooer #knee
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Red flowering gum for Zai to go with her golden wattleI tattooed a year or so ago. Also known as the Red Flowering Gum, or even Eucalyptus ficifolia, Corymbia ficifolia is one of three species of bloodwood found in the south-west of Western Australia. It
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I've been a bit quiet as I very slowly set up my new phone, but how good is this new camera? 😍 I was long overdue for an upgrade. Grevillea and Red blossoming gum to adorn the leg for Natalie. Both plants are sprawling and have lots of flower d
via Instagram instagr.am/p/CKNckwRgzFr/

Yellowed tailed Black Cockatoo with Coastal Banksia in progress that I was super stoked to tattoo for Megan. If you can't tell from my avatar this is my favourite species of cockatoo. @withlovetattoo #blackcockatoo #ink #tattoo #tattoos #cockatootattoo #y
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Gypsy lady with native flowers that I got to tattoo for Charlie. She sat like an absolute champion, a one sit hit! Featuring waratahs, flannel flowers and wattle. @withlovetattoo #tattoos #ink #tattoo #gypsytattoo #australianflowers #brisbanetattoo #austr
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Got to finish up this male Red Tailed Black Cockatoo with eucaluptus on the chest for Charlie the other day. Big job for a first tattoo! @withlovetattoo #tattoos #ink #tattoo #cockatootattoo #redtailedblackcockatoo #blackcockatoo #australiantattoos #brisb
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Finger limes are a native australian fruit Wild varieties are genetically very diverse, with trees and fruit varying in size, shape and seediness, with the largest palette of colours of any fruit. I enjoyed making this fingerlime tattoo for Eve. Hopefully
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True story, when I was a kid a juvenile one of these slithered into my bedroom in the middle of the night looking for cuddles. Was not keen. The red-bellied black is one of the most commonly encountered snakes on the east coast. It's head is barely distin
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Healed (16 months) King Parrot & golden wattle. So stoked to get a fully healed photo of this one, thanks for taking such good care of it Charlotte! @withlovetattoo #tattoos #ink #tattoo #kingparrot #kingparrottattoo #parrottattoo #birdtattoo #australiant
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Little female variegated fairy wren, the partner to the male wren I posted last week. @withlovetattoo #tattoo #ink #tattoos #fairywren #fairywrentattoo #variegatedfairywren #birdtattoo #wrentattoo #australiantattoo
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Brushtail possum with eucalyptus for Belinda. The brushtail possum is a semi-arboreal, nocturnal marsupial that weighs between 1.2-4.5 kg. Its fur is thick and woolly and varies from silver-grey, brown, black, to cream. It has a bushy prehensile tail whic
via Instagram instagr.am/p/CHxB1g1AzW9/

Male Variegated fairywren perched on wattle for Erica. If you look closely you can see the female peeping out, I will post a closer photo of her soon. @withlovetattoo #tattoos #ink #tattoo #variegatedfairywren #fairywren #fairywrentattoo #australiantattoo
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Stoked I finally got to finish this eastern spinebill with a coastal banksia. Mixed of healed and fresh with a year in between courtesy of the 'rona. @withlovetattoo #tattoos #ink #tattoo #easternspinebill #banksiatattoo #coastalbanksia #birdtattoo #austr
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Big & beautiful Ulysses butterfly on the arm for Jessica. Also known as the Dunk Island butterfly. @withlovetattoo #tattoos #tattoo #ink #butterfly # #ulyssesbutterfly #butterflytattoo #australiantattoos #brisbanetattoo
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Variegated fairy wren and blossoming eucalyptus for Shanyn. Variegated Fairy-wrens inhabit dense heath and other thick undergrowth east of the main range, from about Wide Bay in Qld south to about the Victorian border. @withlovetattoo #tattoos #ink #tatt
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Mexican blanket serape paw print 🐾 tattooed for a very loved chihuahua and his owner @sheribombblog @withlovetattoo #tattoo #ink #tattoos #pawprinttattoo #serapetattoo #mexicanblanket #serape #dogtattoo #brisbanetattoo #🐾
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This Monstera leaf for Matt made the perfect little gap filler. Monstera deliciosa, is a species of flowering plant native to tropical forests of southern Mexico, south to Panama. The holes in a Monstera leaf have a function. By developing holes in its le
via Instagram instagr.am/p/CHE2h5vgwVH/

1/2 view filling this awkward gap on the inner and back of the forearm with this numbat and banksia seed pod combo for Mitchell. Once widely distributed and common throughout Australia, numbats are currently classified as endangered, occurring in small an
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Little sternum tattoo of a french lavender and daffodil flower. @withlovetattoo #tattoos #ink #tattoo #lavender #lavendertattoo #daffodil #daffodiltattoo #botanicaltattoo #brisbanetattoo @thesolidink #solidink @blackclaw #blackclaw
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Russian nestings matroyshka doll with violets for Hope. @withlovetattoo #tattoos #ink #tattoo #matroyshkadoll #russiandoll #russiandolltattoo #russiannestingdolls #brisbanetattoo
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Teacup & Sunflowers 🌻☕ @withlovetattoo #tattoo #ink #tattoos #teacuptattoo #sunflowertattoo #sunflower #☕ #🌻 #botanicaltattoo #brisbanetattoo
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Peaches and Cream grevillea for Danielle. One of three tattoos we did that day. The 'Peaches and Cream' grevillea cultivar is a cross between a white-flowered form of the Queensland species Grevillea banksii, and G. bipinnatifida from Western Australia, a
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Vineyard Cicada (Tibicina haematode) for Jem! This species is present in Central and Southern Europe, in the Near East and in North Africa. @withlovetattoo #tattoos #tattoo #ink #cicada #cicadatattoo #vineyardcicada #brisbanetattoo #naturetattoo
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Lulu the green cheek conure with her favourite grevillea and eucalyptus blossoms. @withlovetattoo #tattoos #ink #tattoo #greencheekconure #greencheekconuresofinstagram #parrottattoo #brisbanetattoo
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French lavender bundle for Dominique. @withlovetattoo #tattoo #ink #tattoos #lavender #lavendertattoo #botanicaltattoo #brisbanetattoo
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Really enjoyed making this humpback whale tattoo for Paige last week. Especially as I got to see these beauties in person when I got to go whale watching for the first time last month. There were so many in Hervey Bay! @withlovetattoo #tattoo #ink #tattoo
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A closer look at the wild roses I tattooed for @peachybc @withlovetattoo #tattoos #ink #tattoo #wildrose #wildrosetattoo #dogrose #headtattoo #floraltattoo #botanicaltattoo #brisbanetattoo
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Red tailed black cockatoo with wattle. Either a female or a juvenile, guess that is for Neal to decide! Also go follow @littlebitsofhistory if you like history facts. @withlovetattoo #tattoos #ink #tattoo #cockatoo #blackcockatootattoo #blackcockatoo #par
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